王宇杰 WANG, Yujie |
主任 Director |
主持部门全面工作。 Presiding over the overall work of the department. |
wyj@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806121 |
ITC-007 |
谢晓庆 XIE, Xiaoqing |
副主任 Deputy Director |
兼任教学楼主管,分管分管IT基础架构室、学术支撑室,负责IT服务外包团队管理。 Concurrently the teaching building supervisor, in charge of IT infrastructure, academic support, and IT service outsourcing team management. |
xqxie@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806409 |
ITC-004 |
高康 GAO, Kang |
副主任 Deputy Director |
分管信息系统室、合作与创新室,负责信息安全、项目管理,财务,合作科研,学生实习实践,宣传培训及其他办公室工作。 In charge of information system team and cooperation and innovation team, responsible for information security, project management, financial management, scientific research management, publicity and training, etc. |
gkang@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806202 |
ITC-006 |
葛文堂 GE, Wentang |
IT基础架构主管 Head of IT Infrastructure |
负责IT 基础架构室规划、建设、运维及团队管理。 In charge of work planning, project construction, service operation & maintenance, as well as team management of IT infrastructure office. |
gewentang@bjtu. edu.cn 0631-3806224 |
ITC-003 |
李永明 LI, Yongming |
学术支撑主管 Head of Academic Support |
负责学术支撑室规划、建设、运维及团队管理,负责教学楼、广播、电视、视频会议、办公信息化、IT用户服务工作,以及管理服务外包团队。 In charge of the academic support office planning, construction, operation and maintenance, as well as team management. responsible for teaching building, radio, television, video conference, office informatization, IT user service, and management of service outsourcing team. |
liyongming@bjtu .edu.cn 0631-3806222 |
ITC-004 |
韩彦鹏 HAN, Yanpeng |
教学支撑岗 Teaching Support |
负责教学楼管理、沟通协调工作,教学支撑保障工作,教学楼建设和运维工作。 Responsible for teaching building management, communication and coordination, teaching support and guarantee work, teaching building construction and operation and maintenance. |
yphan1@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806409 |
ITC-004 |
刘文超 LIU, Wenchao |
一卡通管理与运维岗 Campus card Management and Maintenance |
负责校园一卡通建设与运维、负责校园智慧餐饮、负责校区数据中心机房建设与运维 In charge of campus card system and smart dining system. In charge of construction and maintenance of campus data centre. |
liuwc@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806221 |
ITC-003 |
谭延寿 TAN, Yanshou |
核心网络管理岗 Core Network Management |
负责校区核心网、出口网络建设与运维,负责虚拟化平台、存储平台建设和运维 In charge of construction and maintenance of core network, exit network, virtualisation platform and storage platform in campus. |
yshtan@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806188 |
ITC-003 |
袁也淅 YUAN, Yexi |
多媒体技术管理岗 Multimedia Technology Management and Support |
负责校区重大活动、会议(毕业典礼、开学典礼等)的技术保障工作;负责校区广播、电视、播控系统工作;负责校区办公信息化建设和管理工作。 Responsible for the technical support of major events and conferences (graduation ceremony, opening ceremony, etc.); Responsible for the campus radio, TV, broadcast control system work; Responsible for campus office information construction and management. |
yxyuan@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806228 |
ITC-004 |

封亮星 FENG, Liangixing |
一卡通技术管理岗 Campus Card Technology Management |
负责校园一卡通建设、运维与管理;负责自助文印、电子门锁、通道机、智慧餐饮等建设运维。 In charge of campus card system, self-service printing, electronic door locks, channel machines and smart dining system. |
fenglx@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806227 |
ITC-004 |
范凌云 FAN, Lingyun |
信息系统综合运维及培训岗 Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance of Information System |
负责校区新媒体平台、OA系统、企业微信、网上办事大厅等建设运维,信息系统需求分析和师生培训。 Responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of campus new media platform, OA system, WeCom, online service hall, information system demand analysis and teacher-student training. |
lyfan@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806203 |
ITC-006 |
朱珊珊 ZHU, Shanshan |
信息系统前端开发运维岗 Information System Front-end Development, Operation and Maintenance |
负责新版校园信息化门户、协同育人平台,大数据分析与校情展示系统建设运维。 Responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the new campus information portal, collaborative education platform, big data analysis and school situation display system. |
sszhu1@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806203 |
ITC-006 |
宋继尧 SONG, Jiyao |
网络管理与运维岗 Network Management and Maintenance |
负责校区无线网、接入网、办公电话,负责校区视频监控建设与运维 In charge of construction and maintenance of wireless network, wired network, phone network and CCTV in campus. |
jysong@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806225 |
ITC-003 |
白宗耀 BAI,Zongyao |
信息系统后端开发运维岗 Information System Back-end Development, Operation and Maintenance |
负责企业微信、学业支持中心系统、LU Moodle系统建设运维,后端开发技术路线选型、评审,系统开发学生团队培养。 Responsible for WeCom, Academic Support Centre(ASC) system, LU Moodle system, back-end development, solution selection and code review, and the training of student teams. |
zybai@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806226 |
ITC-005 |
魏肖 WEI, Xiao |
会计及综合服务岗 Accounting and Integrated Services |
负责项目管理、资产管理、财务工作,与外方合作院校的交流合作,宣传培训,勤工助学管理等。 Responsible for project management, asset management, financial work, communication and cooperation with foreign partner institutions, publicity and training, work-study management, etc. |
weixiao@bjtu.edu.cn 0631-3806200 |
ITC-001 |