the Academic Committee Meeting of LUC was successfully held
时间 : 2023-04-27
On April 27,the Academic Committee Meeting of Lancaster University College at Beijing Jiaotong University (LUC) was successfully held.The LUC committee members from both BJTU and LU were present at the meeting, including Prof Xiao Guiping and Prof Bai Yanlei as Vice Academic Dean of BJTU, Prof David Higgitt as Academic Dean of LU, Christine Mortimer as Deputy Academic Dean of LU, Prof Deng Tao as Vice Dean of BJTU Undergraduate School, and Zhou Yaodong as Vice Dean of Economics and Management School. The meeting was conducted synchronously in three venues of Beijing, weihai, and Lancaster.

4月27日下午,北京交通大学兰卡斯特大学学院学术委员会2023年第一次会议顺利召开,北京交通大学威海校区副院长肖贵平、白延雷、本科生院副院长邓涛、经管学院副院长周耀东、各专业负责人作为中方成员参会;兰卡斯特大学学院教学院长David Higgitt、副院长Christine Mortimer、各专业负责人作为英方成员参会。会议由学术委员会主席David Higgitt主持,中英双方教学事务相关工作人员列席了会议。

