献出一滴血 点燃生命之光 ——威海校区无偿献血活动顺利开展
时间 : 2018-06-13
Weihai Campus Helps to Launch the Third Blood Donation
On June 8, the Young Volunteers Association of BJTU Weihai held the third blood donation activity. From 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, students and teachers continuously came to the donation site to give blood. Among them, there were first-time donors, who joined the blood collection after standing the compulsory blood tests. The working staff prepared lovely gifts and certificates for the doners and reminded them of the safety items after donation.


校区学生第二党支部作为无偿献血志愿者,参与了本次献血活动。他们和现场工作人员共同完成导引、咨询、秩序维持、纪念品发放等工作, 并为献血师生详细讲解了注意事项,准备了多种食品,保障献血者身体的及时恢复。

通讯员:杨燊 周雪儿 王珩羽