威海校区选手在2018 Model APEC全国总决赛表现优异
Representative of BJTU Weihai Participated in 2018 Model APEC Final
时间 : 2018-08-21

Representative of BJTU Weihai Participated in 2018 Model APEC Final
From July 31st to August 4th, ZHANG Shengwei from MIS 1701 of BJTU Weihai, together with five students from Beijing Campus, represented BJTU in the National Final of 2018 MODEL APEC, held at Baotou, Inner-Mongolia. This event is sponsored by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), and hosted by Asia-Pacific Youth Foundation for Communication and Development, and Asia-Pacific Youth APEC Conference Organizing Committee. The competition saw eighty-four finalists including those from Hong Kong, Australia and Indonesia competing fiercely and fruitfully, to seek excellence and experience success.
Model APEC is a dynamic, engaging, thought-provoking and ground-breaking program, orients to youth across Asia-Pacific, by simulating the mechanism of APEC, to promote its knowledge and values in the younger generation, helping them getting involved in the policy making process.
7月31日至8月4日,2018 MODEL APEC全国总决赛在内蒙古包头市举行。2017级信管张盛玮同学代表北京交通大学威海校区闯入全国总决赛,威海校区获优秀组织单位,校区指导教师王莹玥获优秀指导教师。

此次赛事由太平洋经济合作全国委员会指导,北京市环亚青年交流发展基金会、亚太青年模拟APEC大会组委会和联合国亚太总部主办。参加MODEL APEC大会决赛的84名选手不仅有来自大江南北的中国高校代表,更有来自中国香港、澳大利亚以及印度尼西亚的经济体代表,他们过五关斩六将,从各大高校脱颖而出。
2018 MODEL APEC 会议议题阶段于8月2-3日举行。会议议题以初创企业竞争力为主题,选手们针对四个议题进行辩论: Improve digital competency of Start-ups;Strengthen the innovation ability of Start-ups; Enhance competitiveness of Start-ups in global connectivity; Promote gender inclusion and empower women start-ups。

作为校区第二次参加Model APEC全国总决赛的选手,17级信管专业的张盛玮表示Model APEC 考验的不仅仅是英语表达能力,更考验了选手的创新思维水平和大局观念,以及对国际形势的敏锐度。
新学期即将到来,威海校区Model APEC校队将在2018级新生中进行选拔,组成新一届队伍进行日常训练,优秀者有机会参加地区赛,进而拿到全国总决赛的门票。感兴趣的学弟学妹们赶紧行动起来吧,努力提升自己的英语表达能力与APEC背景知识,希望在校队里遇见优秀的你们
(通讯员:王莹玥 张盛玮)