团结百年交大 社想美好未来——2018年威海校区社团纳新嘉年华圆满结束
时间 : 2018-11-01
The Battle of Student Clubs, the Carnival of the Freshers
On October 28, the 2018 BJTU Weihai Freshers’ Carnival was held on the campus sports ground, offering student clubs and societies a bigger stage to present talent shows in public to recruit new members. There were totally 19 student clubs and societies participating in this year’s carnival, preparing a dozen of marvelous performances for the audience. Chinese students, international students and staff found great fun by performing or participating, with small gifts from BJTU Weihai Student Clubs Union.
10月28日,威海校区“团结百年交大 社想美好未来”主题社团纳新嘉年华在田径运动场举行。本次纳新活动由19个学生社团协办,采取体验式纳新形式,吸引中外师生数百人,活动现场气氛热烈。

【社联展台 刮刮有奖】

【音乐无国界 留学生架子鼓独奏 歌曲独唱】

【舞动奇迹 以舞会友 舞蹈社街舞串烧】

【确认过眼神 是对的社团】
图片:李玥潼 李闻禧 唐扬