看《亨利五世》 品中西合璧 ——威海校区首场英文话剧成功展演
时间 : 2019-04-24

The Localized English Play Henry V Made a Hit on Weihai Campus
On April 17, the first English play Henry V was successfully performed on Weihai Campus. The Shakespeare classic mainly tells the story of King Henry V of England, focusing on events before and after the Battle of Agincourt during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France.
The campus adaptation was a distinctive performance characterized by its elements of Chinese chess culture, Beijing Opera art as well as Tai Chi. Its strong cast involves 2nd-year students from Business studies and Accounting, and the 3rd-year Design students responsible for the art production. With the supervision of LU's Christine and Male, as well as help from RIT's Danielle, the successful performance debut attracted an audience of over three hundred.



本次《亨利五世》演出由兰卡斯特大学学院教师Christine Mortimer和Male Lujane共同指导,2017级工商管理专业和会计学专业20余名学生参演,2016级数字媒体艺术专业学生负责艺术制作,并得到了学务管理办公室、基础教育部、校区艺术团语言表演剧团等多个部门和学生组织的大力支持。
文/ 孙俊伟 刘晨宇
图/ 刘晨宇 林喆