2018 MODEL APEC Got Its Tryout in BJTU Weihai
On May 8, a contest was held on Weihai Campus to choose team members to participate in a national level MODEL APEC. With the topic of “Enhance competitiveness of start-ups in global connectivity”, six contestants showed their splendid oral Common Speaking and Free Discussion skills as well as confidence to be MODEL APECers. Four teachers including Prof BAI Yanlei judged the contest and gave valuable comments on their performance. And three students were selected to represent the Campus in the regional MODEL APEC.
5月8日,威海校区举行了MODEL APEC校区选拔赛,以备战2018年MODEL APEC华东地区赛。李佳羽、吴苏航、张盛玮三位选手胜出并取得前往西交利物浦大学参加华东地区赛的资格。
此次比赛议题为“Enhance competitiveness of start-ups in global connectivity”,赛制分为Common speaking和Free discussion两个环节。各位代表先就议题阐述观点,再就“Establish the platform”展开辩论。
赛后,校区管委会副主任白延雷鼓励同学们善于积累,在角色扮演中融入外交官的形象特征,学习如何捍卫国家利益。校队指导老师王莹玥以及MODEL APEC竞赛队队长刘昭炜同学对选手表现进行了点评和建议。
MODEL APEC的宗旨是拓宽学生国际化视野,提升国际化水平。此赛事自创立以来,每年将举办高校会议、地区会议、全国会议和亚太地区会议,就APEC当年议题进行深入讨论,形成成果文件。全国比赛的获胜者将出席每年一度的APEC领导人非正式会议及相关活动,让青年们与真正的政界领袖和商业精英共同探讨亚太发展未来。青年们可近距离感受国际高端会议,拓展自己对职业规划、经济发展与未来建设的前沿视野。

文/刘昭炜 李佳羽
图/李佳羽 李仪