1. Students Did well in the 5th Basketball Tournament
From March 30 to May 3, the Youth League Committee of Weihai Campus organized students to participate in the 5th “Shenghai Construction Cup” Basketball Tournament in Nanhai New Area. A total of 10 enterprises and institutions in Weihai participated in this competition. The team of Campus “Beijiao Star” won the 6th place in total score and the Excellent Team Award, showing the courage and diligence of students and strengthening the communication between the campus and the city through sports activities.

5月19日,威海校区艺术团参加2019中国(威海)国际合唱节启动仪式暨环翠区第46届5·23合唱音乐会威海市青年组专场。本场比赛共8支合唱团,校区合唱团现场演绎当代作品《Sisi ni moja》( We are one ),展现校区的国际化风采和团员较好的艺术修养,最终获得青年组专场三等奖的荣誉。
2. Student Art Troupe revealed their elegance in the 2019 International Choral Gala of China (Weihai)
On May 19th, school art troupe participated in the Launching Ceremony of 2019 International Choral Gala of China (Weihai) and the 46th 5•23 Choral Concert of Huancui District. There were 8 choirs in this competition. The choir performed “Sisi ni Moja” ( We Are One ) and finally won the third prize of the youth group, showing the good artistic accomplishment of the members.

6月7日 校区团委组织中外学子参加由南海新区管理委员会主办,南海新区社会事务管理局承办的2019年“江南城杯”第五届龙舟邀请赛。威海校区梦之队、海神队与蓝鲸队等三支学生代表队伍参赛,喜获“国际友谊奖”和“精神文明奖”。本届赛事得到各大媒体的关注,央视一套《晚间新闻》、央视四套《中国新闻》、山东卫视《新闻联播》《晚间新闻》《早安山东》,以及山东公共频道《民生直通车》等栏目纷纷对赛事进行了报道。
3. Students had a good performance in the 5th “Jiangnancheng Cup” Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament
On June 7th, the Youth League Committee of Weihai Campus organized students to participate in the 5th “Jiangnancheng Cup” Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament, which was sponsored by the Management Committee of Nanhai New Area and organized by the Social Affairs Administration of Nanhai New Area. The Dream team, the Sea God team and the Blue Whale team of Campus participated in the competition and won the “International Friendship Award” and “Spiritual Civilization Award”. The event has attracted the attention of major media and has been reported in a series of columns, such as “Evening News” of CCTV1, “China News of CCTV4”. Several columns of Shandong TV, including “Shandong TV News”, “Evening News”, “Morning News”, and “People’s Livelihood Express” of Shandong public channel also reported the event.

6月22日 “饮水思源,爱国荣校”校友林揭幕仪式成功举办。美国罗切斯特理工学院校长Dr. David Munson及教务长James Myers,北京交通大学校长助理、威海校区管委会主任徐宇工教授,北京交通大学校办主任赵鹏,学生处处长姚念龙以及校区其他领导、教职员工和2019届毕业生参加仪式并揭牌。师生们共同为校友林培土,写下毕业寄语,并悬挂于林中,留下美好的回忆与对未来的憧憬。
4. Unveiling Ceremony of “Alumni Forest”
On June 22, Unveiling Ceremony of Alumni Forest was successfully held. Dr. David Munson, President of Rochester Institute of Technology and Provost James Myers attended the ceremony. Professor XU Yugong, Assistant to the President of Beijing Jiaotong University and Director of Weihai Management Committee, ZHAO Peng, YAO Nianlong and other leaders, faculty and graduates of 2019 attended the ceremony. After earthing up the trees in alumni forest, they wrote down wishes which were hung in the forest to leave beautiful memories and longing for the future.

6月22日 “青春散场,逐梦再远航”2019届毕业生晚会在威海校区学术交流中心报告厅举行。北京交通大学校长王稼琼,罗切斯特理工学院校长Dr. David Munson,北京交通大学校长助理、威海校区管委会主任徐宇工,校区各部门教职工以及2019届毕业生和家长们共同观看了演出。校区全体师生自编自导了16个文艺节目,为即将离校的威海校区第一批毕业生留下最温暖的回忆。
5、Graduate Gala in 2019On June 22nd, with the theme of “Youth Last Forever, We Sail to the Dream”,
Graduate Gala in 2019 was held in BJTU Weihai Campus. WANG Jiaqiong, President of Beijing Jiaotong University, Dr. David Munson, President of Rochester Institute of Technology, XU Yugong, Assistant to the President of Beijing Jiaotong University and Director of the Management Committee, faculty and staff, as well as graduates and their parents enjoyed the performance together. Teachers and students of Campus performed 16 shows, which left the warmest memories for the first batch of graduates of BJTU Weihai.