FLTRP Cup National English Debating Competition was founded in 1997 and held once a year. It is the largest and highest level oral English competition in China. In 2012, the 16th "FLTRP · Amazon Cup" National College Students' English debate competition was sponsored by the School Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League, the Secretariat of the all China Federation of students and Beijing Foreign Studies University. It was hosted by foreign language teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and China Education Television, and exclusively sponsored by Amazon (China).
“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛创始于1997年,每年举办一届,是目前国内规模最大、水平最高的英语口语赛事。2012年的第十六届“外研社·亚马逊杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛由团中央学校部、全国学联秘书处、北京外国语大学主办,外语教学与研究出版社(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 简称FLTRP)及中国教育电视台承办,亚马逊(中国)独家冠名赞助。历经十几年品牌积淀和不懈努力,“外研社杯”英语辩论赛的权威性、规模以及品牌影响力已被全国广大的英语教师及在校大学生所认可,在高校中享有盛誉。