Mathematical Contest in Modeling is sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application which is the unique and most influential international mathematical modeling contest in the world. The competition involves a series of fields such as economy, management, environment, resources, ecology, medicine, safety, etc. Three people (undergraduates) form a group to complete all works of from modeling, solving, verification to thesis writing within four days, which presents the contestants' ability of scientific research and team spirit. It is the originator of various mathematical modeling competitions.
MCM/ICM是Mathematical Contest In Modeling和Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling 的缩写。MCM 始于 1985 年,ICM 始于 1999 年,由 COMAP(the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application,美国数学及其应用联合会)主办,得到了 SIAM,NSA,INFORMS 等多个组织的赞助。MCM/ICM 着重强调研究和解决方案的原创性、团队合作、交流及结果的合理性。
2022年威海校区学生首次获得特等提名奖(Final list)2项,一等奖(M奖)7项、二等奖(H奖)13项,获奖比例高于往年水平。
