时间 : 2018-04-19
Sunway University Provost Visited BJTU Weihai
From April 16 to 18, Dr Peter Heard, Provost of Sunway University, Malaysia visited BJTU Weihai. Dr XU Yugong, Campus President met him, giving a brief introduction of the new campus. Both sides shared experiences of newly established campus. With the aim to promote the students’ mobility, especially from perspective of cross-culture immersion, both universities came to a mutual understanding that exchange students program and summer school should be brought on the agenda.
4月16日至18日,马来西亚双威大学教务长Peter Heard教授到访北京交通大学威海校区,校长助理、威海校区管委会主任徐宇工教授会见了客人。双方介绍了各自学校的历史和近年发展情况,就交换生和暑期学校等事宜进行了讨论,并表示可以在多个领域进行交流合作,以增强校际间的学生交流和校区文化多样性,这也给威海校区的多校区融合倡议增加了选择。
通讯员: 魏征